7748 Third Street Rd., Louisville, KY 40214
www.buddhablessedtemple.com; www.vietbuddhism.com; thichhangdat66@gmail.com; 812-225-0228
Initial Establishment - It was initially established in 2006 by Rev. Thich Hang Dat at 5644 New Cut Rd., Louisville, KY 40214.
Denomination Fellowship - The congregation follows the Quy Nguong Zen Buddhist tradition and is led by Dr. Rev. Thich Hang Dat, a student of the renown Zen Teacher, Hsuan Hua, in an unbroken Zen lineage to the historical Shakyamuni Buddha.
New Location - After acquiring 15.5 acres of land in 2015, The center was moved to the current location.
Affiliations - Since it was established by Rev. Thich Hang Dat, it has an affiliation with the Ten Thousand Buddha Summit Monastery, Corydon, Indiana.
Time Frame of the New Construction - After obtaining proper legal documents and permits, it was built in early Spring of 2018 and finished in the Summer of 2019.
The Congregation - It is an organization of Buddhist monastic and laity communities that emphasize on practicing Buddhist Mindfulness, Loving-Kindness, Broadmindedness, and Skillfulness that are beneficial to family, community, and society.
The Motto - "A Compassionate Mind, A Benevolent Life."
The Goals - Strengthen interaction and communication with other religious traditions to work on issues and problems of common interests locally, nationally, and worldly by creating a friendly relationship among Buddhists and others.
- Promote loving-kindness and compassionate attitudes.
- Widen life perspective of Buddhists and others.
- Support the faith of Buddhists and others.
- Offer a righteous path for Buddhists and others.
- Establish a peaceful, mindful, and joyful environments for Buddhists and others by setting up a retreat center and worship place for spiritual development.
- Preserve the life of all, including animals.
- Provide religious education and charitable enhancements for the Buddhist communities and general public.
- Promote mutual assistance and understanding among the Buddhist communities throughout the world.
- Promote individual peace of mind, compassion for all beings, spiritual growth and an ethical way of life based on Buddhist principles.
Practice of the Resident Monastic and Lay Communities - Follow the Buddhist moral codes.
- Do meditation, called Zen school, that belongs to the Wei-yang lineage.
- Study Buddha's teachings, called the Scholastic School.
- Recite Mantras, called the Esoteric, or "Secret School".
- Chant the Buddha's name, called the Pure Land School.
The Residents’ Diets - Pure vegetarian, by following Buddhist compassionate attitude towards animals.
The Congregation’s Cardinal codes - Laity members: Keep five basic standards, namely no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no telling lie, and no taking intoxicant.
- Monastic members: Uphold the traditional precepts to be qualified for a religious leader, peacemaker, and healer.
The Moral Conducts of the Members - Law-abiding people.
- Have responsible and mutual relationships.
- Carry out a proper livelihood.
- Maintain a virtuous religious life.
- Possess proper knowledge and perspective of life.
- Pay respect to and seek refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
- Harmonize with others in family, community, and society.
The Daily Attitudes of the Laity Members - Be mindful and responsible in thoughts, actions, and communications within family, community, and society.
- Be opened-minded toward others' traditions.
- Be tolerant in any situation.
- Be cooperative and supportive to anyone in family, community, and society.
- Be grateful and thankful for the supports of family, community, and society.
The Daily Practical Guidelines of the Laity Members - Meditate at least ten minutes.
- Pay obeisance to the Buddhas few times.
- Chant the Buddha's name, Buddhist sutras, or Buddhist mantras.
- Be ready for helping others regardless background, race, color, or ethic.
The Basic Criteria of the Affairs - Culture to propagate Buddhism.
- Education to foster talent.
- Charity to benefit society.
- Religious services to enhance spiritual development and transform people's minds and behavior.
- Encourage an interfaith approach to understand and live in harmony with other traditions.
The Activities - Provide a retreat center for spiritual development.
- Foster an interfaith environment between Buddhism and other traditions.
- Offer religious and Buddhist educations to benefit and awaken oneself and others.
- Support Buddhist cultural work via arts and literature, translation of sutras, and presentation of Buddhist teaching.
- Engage in social work, charity, and service for community and society.
- Support Buddhist education, uphold religious standards, and improve the availability of resources in order to nurture skills and talents of people.
- The True wealth of the Members:
- To have wealth and skill.
- To focus on wisdom and faith.
- To be mindful and peaceful.
- To give and take.
- To own and allocate.